Common Electrical Safety Hazards in the Workplace

The main hazards with electricity are:
·       Contacting  with live parts which cause shock and burns
·       Many faults can cause fire
·       Fire / explosion in which electricity is the of source ignition either potentially flammable or explosive atmosphere. Example: Spray paint booth.
Employer’s responsibility to ensure:
·       Usage of proper cable connectors, couplers for joining lengthy cables together and never allow taped joints.
·       Electrical installations should be maintained and monitored regularly by a competent person
·       Socket Outlets should not get overloaded  by using  adaptors
·       Provided electrically powered equipment should be  suitable for use
·       In case of fixed electrical equipment , it should have a clearly marked  switch to cut off the power during  emergency
Top 10 Rules for Electric Safety
1. Never plug a bunch of stuff into same single extension cord.
As it may damage the electrical system in your house/ office sometimes it may even cause fire.
2. Insist the grown-ups to put on safety caps in all unused electrical outlets.
Covering the outlets may help you to save energy by stopping cold drafts.
3. Never yank an electrical cord from the wall.
Pulling on cords leads to appliances damage - plugs or the outlets.
4. Ensure that all the electric cords are tucked away, neat and clean.
Some pets may chew on electrical cords which cause people trip and fall.  
5. Ask help from grown-ups in case of using something with electricity.
6. before climbing the tree look up and out for power lines.
7. Never ever climb on the fencing around any electrical substation.
8. Remind someone near you to watch out for power lines while using ladder/ chainsaw or any kind of outdoor equipment.
9. Don’t keep electrical materials near water and if water spills in any electrical material, do wipe it with dry cloth by switching off the power.
10. Avoid flying kites near power lines.

Common Electrical Safety Hazards in the Workplace Common Electrical Safety Hazards in the Workplace Reviewed by Safety on October 25, 2018 Rating: 5

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